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Watch this space for a new way to share photos and videos directly to ANY screen, near or far.

Share your digital media to virtually any screen.


Playora is an iOS and Android app that aims to enable users to push any file or stream, from their smartphone or tablet, to any of their own, and their friends’, compatible screens.


Compatibility will encompass a broad range of tablets, phones, streaming boxes and Smart TVs making restrictions within brand or device range a distant memory.

Any type of file.


Imagine you've got photos and videos of your kids on your Android phone, and their Grandparents, on the other side of the world, want to see them on their Apple tablet.


Or imagine you're with your friends in a bar, and you want to show them your holiday pictures.

Any type of device.


Imagine you can instantly share those photos or videos to their tablet and that they can then share them from their Apple tablet, to their Samsung Smart TV.


Or imagine being able to send it directly to their Smart TV without messing around with wires or streaming boxes.

The PC version of Playora is no longer publicly available - if you'd like to register as a beta tester then please fill out this form and we'll let you know when we're testing.

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Are you interested to know more about Playora, or want a member of the team to contact you about opportunities? Please fill out the form below, or email

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Playora is a registered trademark of Invisiplay Limited, all rights reserved.

Playora is ® in Europe and the USA and TM elsewhere Invisiplay Limited, all rights reserved.

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